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Caribbean Lottery donates personal protective equipment supplies to the Public Education School Board.

marcellahenrydonation12032021PHILIPSBURG:--- A donation of personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies was recently presented to the St. Maarten Public Education School Board towards bolstering the ongoing COVID-19 safety measures for the teachers and students of the nation.
The equipment which included 1,500 Disposable children’s masks and 26 Touch-free soap dispensers with Soap refills, was presented by the Caribbean Lottery during a private handover at the Caribbean Lottery’s headquarters.
Ms. Marcellia Henry, Interim Head of Public Education, and Mr. Dennis Pantophlet, Financial Officer, accepted the donation on behalf of the Public Education School Board.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the education system in a variety of ways, more specifically in the way that education was offered with a major change in students receiving instruction online/digitally or in a hybrid approach,” said Ms. Henry. “Our teachers were also affected in the sense that they had to learn quickly how to provide instruction and educate their students primarily in an online setting,” she added.
Paula Williams, Site Operations Manager of the Caribbean Lottery also stated: “Following the reopening of schools in October 2020, we at the Caribbean Lottery thought it prudent to lend a helping hand towards providing a safe environment for the returning students and teachers.” She further added, “We take pleasure in joining with the many other private and public organizations in the fight to combat the spread of this virus.”
Mr. Pantophlet highlighted the recurring cost of purchasing these necessary sanitary items and expressed his thanks to the Caribbean Lottery for this donation which would alleviate a portion of this expense.
Ms. Henry confirmed her appreciation: “The Public Education School Board, along with the students and teachers of St. Maarten are grateful for this generous donation from the Caribbean Lottery.”

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