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Urgent Sports meeting called.

GREAT BAY (GIS)—The Island Government of St. Maarten through the Commissioner of Sports has assigned the Department of Sports with the task of a total review of the sports organizations and development on the island with emphasis on Country St. Maarten.

In connection herewith, the Department of Sports in collaboration with the St. Maarten Sports Federation invite all sporting organizations, whether team sports or individual sports, registered (or not) to attend a very important meeting to be held on Thursday, May 27, 2010 in the Claude Wathey Legislative Hall at 7:00pm.

Agenda points:

  1. Opening
  2. Notices
  3. Registration of members
  4. Sport development and advancement in Country St. Maarten
  5. Support of membership
  6. Proposed Organizational structure
  7. Legal Advice. (Notary and Attorney at Law.)
  8. Open Floor
  9. Closing

All sports organizations, associations, and groups are invited and urged to attend the meeting to provide input. Your contribution will be invaluable.

For more information, contact the Department of Sports at the Socio-Cultural Development Department.

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