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Three Armed Robberies Committed on Friday.

Philipsburg:---The police department reported that at least three armed robberies were committed on Friday May 28th. Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson said two of the robberies took place in the Cole Bay area and the other was in Philipsburg.
The suspects in these robberies were young men between the ages of 18 and 24 years old. They wore dark clothing and used machetes and handguns to commit the crimes. The police spokesman said money was stolen in each case and clients who were in the establishments at the time were also robbed. The police spokesman also said that in one of the robberies a victim was struck with the flat side of a machete. All of the cases are under investigation said the police spokesman.
In the meantime, police arrested two French men on Saturday May 29th in the vicinity of the Shell Select Gas Station. The culprits were caught while they were transporting a flat screen television. When the two culprits saw police they began acting suspiciously. They were identified as C.B and and J.P. Both are French nationals born in Paris. During the investigation the officers found a Sharp Aquos Liquid Cristal Flat screen T.V. that was hidden under a sheet. The young men could not give an acceptable explanation of where they obtained the television.
They were both arrested on the spot. One of the suspects shortly after confessed they had broken in to one of the hotel rooms at Maho Reef Hotel. Both young men were taken to the Philipsburg Police Station for further investigation. The supervisor of the Hotel identified the television as being property of the hotel.

Police also arrested a suspect identified as W. St J. for whom there was an arrest warrant. The suspect was wanted for destroying one of the bicycles belonging to the police department.

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