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COCI Host yet another Successful Webinar for the Business Community.

coci31052021PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry (COCI, is happy to announce that it has once again hosted another successful webinar on the topic of Business Planning for Business Loans. This webinar was held last week Thursday, May 27th, and had as the main presenter Mr. Edsel Gumbs of Qredits. Mr. Gumbs delivered a phenomenal presentation on brainstorming your initial business idea, conducting market research, preparing your business plan, estimating your projections, selling your business idea, and the application process for the NRPB grant/loan. Over 242 individuals registered to be part of this webinar. To date since the commencement of our Webinar Series 2021, COCI has been receiving on average 132 registrants per webinar. Each webinar ends on a high note with attendees wishing for more time and calling on a repeat.
The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry (COCI) continues to call upon the business community, entrepreneurs, business enthusiasts, and the general public to seize the opportunity of our free COCI Business Webinars Series 2021. The Chamber has been conducting these information sessions in the form of workshops since 2019. However, given the current situation of a global pandemic and the need for business support, the Chamber has digitalized its sessions in the form of ZOOM webinars. Our ongoing COCI Business Webinars are geared towards the growth and development of our businesses through capacity building. Since March, our webinars are usually held once a month (sometimes twice) and are from 19:00 – 20:00 PM. Recordings of the webinars can be viewed via the Chambers social media platform Facebook.

On Thursday, June 3rd, 2021 COCI will be hosting an extraordinary webinar on the topic “Hurricane Awareness and Disaster Planning” since we have now entered the Hurricane Season. The Chamber wishes that business owners and citizens attend this webinar to gather as much knowledge as it pertains to the Hurricane Season and best practices as it relates to disaster planning. Topics that would be covered include the formation of tropical cyclones, naming of storms, disaster definition, and types, governmental legislation pertaining to roles and responsibilities, information of the EOC and ESF groups. This webinar will also be live stream on our Facebook platform. The presenters of this upcoming webinar would be Mr. Paul Martens- Head of Disaster Management and Mr. Joseph Isaac- Head of the Meteorological Office.

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