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Central Committee meeting of Parliament concerning the financial status of NV G.E.B.E. & Draft national ordinance to increase the maximum age of the members of the High Councils of State.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The House of Parliament will sit in a Central Committee meeting on Friday, June 11, 2021.

The Central Committee meeting is a continuation of the meeting which started on March 31, 2021, and was adjourned on April 26, 2021. The meeting will be reconvened at 14.00hrs. in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg. The Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment, and Infrastructure will be present.

Upon the request of the Chairman of Parliament, the agenda for this continuation meeting has been amended to add a second agenda point.

The agenda points are:

1. The (financial) status of N.V. G.E.B.E. (I.S./1135/2019-2020 dated August 18, 2020, and I.S./169/2020-2021 dated November 16, 2020)
This meeting was requested by M.P. S.A. Wescot-Williams, MP M.D. Gumbs, MP C.A. Buncamper and MP G.S. Heyliger-Marten

2. Ontwerplandsverordening tot wijziging van de Landsverordening Algemene Rekenkamer, de Landsverordening Constitutioneel Hof, de Landsverordening Ombudsman en de Landsverordening Raad van Advies in verband met het verhogen van de leeftijdsgrens van de leden (ZJ 2020-2021-147)
(National Ordinance amending the National Ordinance of General Audit Chamber, the National Ordinance Constitutional Court, the National Ordinance Ombudsman, and the National Ordinance Council of Advice in connection with raising the age limit for members (Parliamentary Year 2020-2021-147)

Due to measures taken to mitigate the coronavirus (COVID-19), the House of Parliament is only allowing persons with an appointment to enter the Parliament building.
The parliamentary sessions will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 115, via SXM GOV radio FM 107.9, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the internet, and Parliament’s Facebook page: Parliament of Sint Maarten

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