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Governor receives 2020 winners of the Governor Youth Award for Excellence Program .

governor18062021Harbour View:---His Excellency, Governor drs. E.B. Holiday hosted the first annual Governor’s Youth Award For Excellence on December 8, 2020. The Governor’s Youth Award for Excellence Program has been designed to recognize youths, ages 13 through 19, who have performed above and beyond and excelled in Education, Sports, Arts, Environmental protection, or Community service.

The 2020 winners of Governor’ Youth Award for excellence (in alphabetic orders) were:
- Nigel Alexander Adriana, co-recipient in the category Academics;
- Riya Baharani Khemchandani co-recipient in the category Academics;
- Sarah Bharwani, recipient in the category Environmental Protection; and
- Ray-Angel Clarence Antrobus Boasman, recipient in the category Arts.

As winners of the Governor’s Youth Award for Excellence, the recipients have participated in national events, such as the Memorial Day ceremony on May 4, 2021, and the Flag Day celebration ceremony on June 13, 2021.
Today, June 17, 2021, Governor Holiday received the winners of the 2020 Governor’s Youth Award for Excellence for an audience at his office at Falcon drive 3. Mr. Adriana, Ms. Baharani, Ms. Bharwani, and Mr. Boasman took the opportunity to asked Governor Holiday about his education, career, hobbies, the role of the Governor, and how the Governorship impacted his life. The winners exchange thoughts on college life during COVID and on the importance of technology in their life, studies, and future work. They also shared their views with Governor Holiday about their aspirations, hobbies, interests, and study plans. Governor Holiday congratulated them on their winning of the first Governor’s Youth Award for Excellence, encouraged them to continue to be the best they can be going forward, and reminded them that they can be anything they want to be once they worked for it. The awardees thank Governor Holiday for the opportunity.
At the time of the awards ceremony in December 2020, Nigel Adriana was off-island for his studies. The meeting was closed off with the presentation by Governor Holiday of the Governor’s Youth Award for Excellence in academics to Mr. Nigel Adriana. Riya, Sara, and Ray-Angel received their award on the evening of the ceremony.
The second annual Governor’s Youth Award for Excellence ceremony is scheduled for June 24, 2021. The evaluation committee has selected finalists from the 20 nominees and the winners will be presented with their awards on Thursday, June 24, 2021.

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