PHILIPSBURG:--- The Justice Committee of Parliament will meet on June 24, 2021.
The Committee meeting, which was adjourned on May 26, 2021, will be reconvened on Thursday at 11.30 hrs. at the House of Parliament. The Minister of Justice will be in attendance.
The agenda points are:
1. Discussion with the Minister of Justice regarding Immigration:
- Immigration Border and Protection
- Border Protection Project
- Protocol
- Residence Permit Guidelines (IS/448/2020-2021 dated February 25, 2021)
2. Update on the status of the prison
-Update on guard capacity
-Update on the maximum amount of inmates allowed by law (IS/403/2020-2021 dated February 15, 2021)
This agenda point was requested by MP O.E.C. Ottley.
Due to measures taken to mitigate the coronavirus (COVID-19), the House of Parliament is only allowing persons with an appointment to enter the Parliament building.
The parliamentary sessions will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 115, via SXM GOV radio FM 107.9, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the internet, and Parliament’s Facebook page: Parliament of Sint Maarten