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Visit to the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) by Minister of VSA Omar Ottley .

omarottleymentalhealth08072021PHILIPSBURG:--- On July 7, 2021, Minister Ottley visited the Mental Health Foundation with his cabinet members Johnnie Richardson and Richenell Hanley. Also present were Dr. Felix Holiday president of the board, Arno Peels Treasurer, Dr. Hoencamp Psychiatrist, Sandro Garcia Finance and Operational director, and Eileen Healy projects.

They were given a presentation of the foundation, containing the history since 2006, the developments, and the current needs and plans. MHF has based its future plans on the needs of its patients. Patients' and family’s needs are based on the data collected since 2006. In mental health care, family and caregivers support are also extremely important, and on a regular basis, meetings are held with them.

Much has been accomplished over the years but the foundation is aware that much still needs to happen. The minister was extremely interested in the work of the foundation the team efforts of the staff not only in-patient care but also the work done in the community and the police support. Dr. Hoencamp emphasized the unique concept of the foundation, having all care in one foundation makes it easy for the patients to get the care they need without having to go to other organizations for care needs. The foundation has 2 psychiatrists, 4 psychologists/councilors, Social work, Occupational Therapy and Nurses working on in-patients care and in the community.

At the Faraja, Day Treatment Center the minister was explained the options available for the clients and how it works even around COVID. The client offered the minister a token of appreciation. The minister committed to supporting the foundation and its needs.

The visit was much appreciated by the foundation’s board, management and staff.


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