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DCNA’s First Big Live Nature Quiz- Adult edition: Fun Online Game about Animals throughout the Dutch Caribbean.

dncanaturequizz15072021On Friday, July 2nd, the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) hosted its first Big Live Nature Quiz for adults on Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustatius, and St. Maarten. A total of 39 teams/100+ team members consisting of 1-4 players participated in the online, live, and interactive quiz. After many exciting and thrilling nature question rounds, a team on Bonaire won. Second place went to a team on Aruba and third place to another team on Bonaire.

The online Big Live Nature Quiz is created to educate citizens about nature in a fun interactive way, to instill pride in the islands’ nature, encourage eco-friendly practices, support the parks conservation projects, and connect people throughout the Dutch Caribbean.

Yearly Free Quiz for Adults and Kids

The goal is to make this a yearly event for both adults and kids. In 2020, the first edition for kids was launched. For 2021, the kids’ edition is currently planned for the beginning of October. Stay tuned for your next chance to learn more about the nature of the Dutch Caribbean.

Live and Interactive Quiz

Teams could participate in two ways. Teams were invited to play from home/online with friends and family or join at one of the broadcast locations.

The Quiz was online and live. Therefore, all teams from the Dutch Caribbean islands could participate at the same time as well as interact with each other and the host of the program.

Broadcast locations included Hillside on Bonaire, Long Haul on Saba, and Dinghy Dock Sailors Bar on St. Maarten. A big thank you to these establishments along with STINAPA Bonaire, CARMABI on Curaçao, Aruba National Park Foundation, Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF), STENAPA on St Eustatius, and Nature Foundation Sint Maarten (NFSXM) for their support with this event.

Theme: Dutch Caribbean animals

The BLNQ consisted of 35 trivia questions with the following categories: Marine Animals, Terrestrial Animals, Sounds in Nature, Special Island Animals, and People and Nature. There was a brief break in the middle to grab some food and drinks and power up for the second half.


During the Live and Interactive Quiz teams could follow their scores. After a competitive five rounds, winners were announced. First place with a score of 293 went to the Jonkers from Bonaire. They will receive a sailing/snorkeling around their beautiful island. Second and third place went to Mini’s Butlers (score of 259) from Aruba and Gwen & Dunc (score of 254) from Bonaire respectively. They will receive hats and t-shirts with the Big Live Nature Quiz logo. Congratulations to all!

“I loved the quiz! I especially liked the Sounds in Nature category because it was different from any other trivia category that I’ve ever played. Well done!” BLNQ Participant from Long Haul on Saba

Don’t Miss the next Big Live Nature Quiz

Check out DCNA’s Facebook (Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance), Instagram (DCNAnature), or for more information and photos of the events. If you have any questions, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +599-717-5010.

The Big Live Nature Quiz is generously funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV), and DCNA’s activities are supported by the Dutch Postcode Lottery. 

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