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South Omega Leo Club hosted its first service activity for the Leonistic year

leoclub02082021PHILIPSBURG:--- The Sint Maarten South Omega Leo Club hosted its first service activity for the Leonistic year July 1st, 2021-June 30th, 2022, whereby the members came together on Sunday, August 1st, and thoughtfully provided homemade soups and johnnycakes for the most vulnerable persons within the community. The Leo Club also distributed homemade soups to the God Bless Nurse Monique Nanny Nurssy Foundation. The President of the Omega Leo Club, Leo Javid Hurtault remarked, “Our members fully understand the importance of working together with the goal to collectively reinforce and engage the community in building a better place for all. The Club aims at working with more Organizations to ensure it expands its outreach efforts to as many vulnerable persons as possible.”

Through this initiative, the intention of The Sint Maarten South Omega Leo Club is to be a beacon of hope in the community especially for persons in need, recognizing that the Club’s support can go a long way as the island continues to maneuver its way through the COVID-19 pandemic. “As a Service Club, we believe it is important to help and provide for the less fortunate in our community by supporting them at their most vulnerable times,” Leo President Javid added.

The Sint Maarten South Omega Club encourages persons within our community to continue to support their efforts and sincerely thanks its members for their continued dedication.

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”. -Henry Ford


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