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12 COVID-19 deaths during the month of August --- Ottley.

omarottley14062021~ Pop-up’s vaccination will restart. ~

PHILIPSBURG: --- The Minister of Health Omar Ottley announced on Wednesday at the Council of Ministers press briefing those 12 persons lost their lives due to COVID -19 during the month of August. Of those 9 of those persons were unvaccinated, 2 were partly vaccinated and one was fully vaccinated. The Minister said that 46 persons lost their lives due to the coronavirus since the pandemic started in March 2020.
The Minister said that the pop-up vaccination will resume as of this Saturday at the CPS location at the Vineyard Building. Ottley explained that the parking lot will be utilized with tents. He made clear that all COVID-19 protocols will be implemented since the island is in the midst of a resurgence.
The testing for the coronavirus will also move from the Pointe Blanche location to Hope Estate.

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