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Kemilla Carty awarded President of Parliament Award 2021.

popaward14092021PHILIPSBURG:_--- Kemilla Carty was awarded the President of Parliament Award 2021.
A young person is annually awarded the President of Parliament Award for exemplary behavior, leadership skills as well as contribution to the community.

Ms. Carty was nominated for being an outstanding citizen with a passion to work for and give back to her community.
Her nomination was submitted by Ms. Stephania Decembre who described Ms. Carty as a kindhearted person that loves to help others and in giving back to her community.
An active member of the Sint Maarten South Omega Leos club since November 2019, Ms. Carty currently holds the position of Club Secretary for the Leonistic year 2020-2021 and also serves as the current Leo District Secretary of District 60B.
These positions have helped her to open up and excel in her skills.
Ms. Carty is known to take great advantage of meaningful opportunities that arise which allows her to grow as a professional and continue to serve her country.


This year’s President of Parliament Award 2021 was presented by the Hon. President of Parliament, Mr. Rolando Brison. The presentation to Ms. Kamilla Carty took place directly after the Solemn Public meeting marking the opening of the new Parliamentary Year 2021-2022.

In her acceptance speech, Ms. Carty expressed words of gratitude for being presented with the 2021 President of Parliament Award.

In her closing remarks, she encouraged everyone to “try and help someone in any way you can, no matter how small or big your contribution is, you’re aiding in the improvement of someone’s life”.

Each year a youth is awarded the President of Parliament Award for demonstrating leadership skills, being a role model as well as contributing to the community.
The Parliament of Sint Maarten encourages the public to submit their nominees when the nomination process is announced for the President of Parliament Award 2022.

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