PHILIPSBURG:--- In recent months, Police have received several complaints about dogs running out of their yards and attacking people on public roads.
On Tuesday afternoon, September 21, at approximately 4:30 pm, Police Central Dispatch received another such call about dangerous dogs running loose in Ebenezer. Upon arrival, police officers were told by a resident that her 10-year-old daughter was almost bitten by the neighbor's dogs walking while she was walking home.
According to other residents, this was not the first time the dogs had attacked or bitten someone.
Dogs’ owners were again instructed by police to keep their dogs in their yards and were warned of the consequences if the dogs are not kept in their yards.
Police remind dog owners to keep their dogs under control at all times. It is illegal for a dog to “get out of control”, bite/attack someone, or create a reasonable fear that the dog will bite someone. It is, therefore, important that you keep your dog under control at all times and everywhere.
A dog is considered dangerously out of control if it:
- Injures someone or another animal
- Makes someone worried that the dog might injure him /her.
KPSM Press Release.