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Minister of VROMI bows with apology to Ombudsman and women in general.

jurendydoran07092020~ Never meant to disrespect the office of the high council of state, Doran~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran apologized to the Ombudsman of St. Maarten Gwendolien Mossel after writing a letter to her posing several questions regarding her relationships and possible conflict of interest.
Doran said he never intended to disrespect the Ombudsman, he also pointed out that he voted to appoint the Ombudsman to the office while being a Member of Parliament. Doran further stated that his intention was not to disrespect the Ombudsman or women around the world. He said he wants to apologize to all women who took offense to his letter, Doran also made clear that he did not involve the Ombudsman children however, he had to make clear what he learned and also wanted it to be clarified.
The apology came after Members of Parliament took a swipe at the Minister who sent the letter to the Ombudsman while copying parliament. The letter went viral on Wednesday causing a flare on social media.

Members of Parliament took a deep swipe at the Minister of VROMI in their notifications when the meeting convened for the letter he wrote. The MPs said that the Minister undermines the Ombudsman while questioning her integrity.
Former leader of the National Alliance and Faction leader, William Marlin said it is unfortunate that a Minister send such a letter to a member of the high council of state. He said he could not force anyone to apologize to the Ombudsman and retract the letter he sent to her. He said today is a dark day for St. Maarten and hoped that the Minister will take the high road.
Marlin said the office of the Ombudsman and its reports were used on several occasions to defend St. Maarten and its people.
Member of Parliament Sarah Wescott Williams considers the letter unacceptable, and sexist which undermines the constitutional state. Wescot Williams said she wants to hear from the Prime Minister of St. Maarten and the position of government regarding the letter that was sent to the Ombudsman.
MP Grisha Marten-Heyliger also denounced the letter and its contents, especially since children were mentioned in the said letter. Heyliger Marten said that the tone of the letter does not sit well with her while the letter and the questions posed borders on the personal life of the Ombudsman.
UPS faction leader Claudius Buncamper felt the letter was nothing but ‘character assignation” on the Ombudsman. He said the Minister crossed the line and felt that he should apologize to the Ombudsman and retract the letter. Buncamper said mistakes are made as he did once on the floor of parliament however those mistakes can be repaired if the person takes the high road.

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