The data storage system and servers will form a critical part of a network that will execute a number of important functions such as: providing shared access to files, provide central email services, central data management and access control to the network.
Milton Peter College St. Maarten was in the urgent need of additional equipment to support the growth of the organization and support its Information Communication Technology (ICT) needs. Whilst the contribution is minor the Bureau Telecommunications and Post St. Maarten trust that this contribution will aid MPC in this area.
Representatives of the IT- Department of the Milton Peter College, Messrs. Reginald Richardson and Raoul Gomes, were delighted with this donation of the Bureau Telecommunications and Post St. Maarten. They stated that the need to expand the servers, to support a larger data storing capacity of important educational data, and to operate more efficiently, can now be fulfilled.
BTP-SXM believes that any contribution that will stimulate ICT development on St. Maarten, irrespective of its size, is a contribution well made.