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Minister Lawrence Invites Community to ‘Philipsburg Becomes Maagical’ Marketplace this Saturday & Sunday.

rogerlawerence07092021PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (Minister of TEATT) Hon. Roger Lawrence, is inviting the community to come out on Saturday, December 18, and Sunday, December 19 for the ‘Philipsburg Becomes Maagical’ Marketplace.

“Bring your family and friends, and kick-off the seven days to Christmas holiday season by patronizing vendors and the Philipsburg stores. Go local by buying local. Support our business community.

“Serenade with family and friends as you shop along. This is one of the best ways to celebrate the holidays. Let’s make this a maagical holiday season,” Minister of TEATT Hon. Roger Lawrence said on Thursday.

The marketplace is open from Saturday 11.00 AM to 10.00 PM and on Sunday from 1.00 PM to 8.00 PM.

There will be much to see and do on both days from entertainment, vending stalls adorned with Christmas décor to singing along with local artists. It will be a memorable affair and an electrifying holiday atmosphere.

‘Philipsburg Becomes Maagical,’ is an initiative of Xtratight Entertainment in collaboration with a number of sponsors including Ministry TEATT and the Sint Maarten Tourism Bureau.

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