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Philipsburg:-- The island council of St. Maarten has approved the draft resolution for the general rules for the structure and functioning of government administration.


Island Councilman Marlin posed several questions concerning the functioning of the administration. Marlin asked for clarification the dismissal of a civil servant who has since taken the island government to court. Marlin said he needs more information from commissioner of Personnel Affairs Maria Buncamper on the employment of someone who was being paid some 60,000guilders monthly.

The councilman said he also needs more information on the Passat recruitment which took place in Holland. Marlin said he believed the recruitment was not clear and he also need more information on the two persons who committed themselves to return to the island to work. The councilman said so far the
island council members only got some vague information on these persons who were to start working in September. He said he wants to know in what capacity these two workers would be hired

Marlin questioned if this was still a "secret" since they have not received the proper information from the Executive Council with regard to the placement of these persons. He said with regard to the contract by an employee who received 60,000 guilders monthly that the contract has been further extended to another year.

This he described as a "sizable sum of money" especially in light of the rising cost of living, said Marlin. He indicated that even though people are hurting as the cost of living skyrockets, the Executive Council finds it prudent to terminated persons and pay 60,000 guilders in salary.

Commissioner Buncamper-Molanus in her comments on the 1.1 million guilders that the government earmarked for recruitment said that she is aware that "there are some things that will not come clear to some people." She explained that the funds were made available from the budget of the Island Government for the recruitment of civil servants. She said further that they had attended that Career Fair in the Netherlands that was arranged by Antillean organizations. She said that there are no secrets in government and if persons ask the right questions they will receive the right answers. She also mentioned that they should do their own investigation and not only ask the Executive Council.

She explained that the contracts were signed up for a year since the persons should be evaluated and also given an opportunity to decide if they want to remain in government. With regard to the person earning 60,000 guilders per month she assured the Island Council that there is no one including a technical assistant that is employed by the Island Government for that amount of money.

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