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RSMA wins Territorial Council Election by large majority, Loui Mussington President -Elect.

~ New Council to be sworn in on April 3rd, 2022~

rsmawinning27032022MARIGOT: --- The voters of St. Martin spoke loudly at the polls on Sunday when 49.11% of the votes cast were in favor of the Rassemblement Saint Martin (RSM) and Alternative coalition.
RSMA headed by Loui Mussington received 4,742 votes while incumbent President Daniel Gibbs that headed the list Team Gibbs 2022 received 3,216 votes. Generation Hope with its coalition partners Saint Martin Avec Vous and Avenir received 1,698 votes. RSMA beat Team Gibbs by 1,526 votes.
With the results from the runoff election, it is clear that the voters of Saint Martin rejected Generation Hope who formed a coalition with Saint Martin Avec Vous and Avenir. During the first-round Saint Martin Avec Vous received 1,155 votes when they ran alone, while Generation Hope received 1, 465 votes and Avenir 626 votes, combined the three parties received 3,246 votes.
For the first round Avenir received the support of Jean-Paul Fisher but this week for the runoff election Fisher threw his support behind the winning coalition RSMA.
President-Elect Loui Mussington said at his victory speech Sunday night he is the President for all of Saint Martin, he made clear that it does not matter where people come from as long as they are living on Saint Martin he is their President and he will represent them as his party heard their cries. Mussington congratulated TEAM Gibbs who he said fought hard to win the battle on Sunday. He also thanked Generation Hope for their participation in the runoff election. Mussington said that while the leaders of the political parties are political adversaries they are not political enemies. Thus he made a public call to everyone to stop the name-calling and to put all hands on deck to work in the best interest of St. Martin.
Incumbent President Daniel Gibbs described it as a sad day for St. Martin because his team was not reelected for a second term. He described the last five years as stressful with a lot of challenges. Gibbs said during his term in office he worked for everyone on every level. He thanked his team that stood by him throughout the campaign period.

The RSMA team has two former Presidents and Vice President Valerie Damaseau, along with Dr. Michel Petit. It is expected that the veteran politicians on the RSMA list will be part of the Executive Council that will be sworn in on April 3rd, 2022.





Results of the 2nd round Territorial Elections.

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