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PJIAE extends healthy lifestyle and work life balance program.

pjiaetraining30032022SIMPSON BAY:---  Throughout the month of March 2022, Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA.) kicked off its health program which supports and encourages employees to work on a healthy lifestyle and work-life balance. Various activities were carried out, such as the implementation of Work Fruit throughout the various PJIAE departments. Work Fruit is a program whereby all departments received fruit baskets and healthy snacks to encourage healthy eating throughout the day.
To further emphasize the importance of healthy eating and nutrition, PJIA also collaborated with Green Meds SXM. Green Meds is an integrated Health Clinic that offers an alternative way to maintain a healthy lifestyle while balancing nutrition.
Various informative sessions were held by Dietitian Ms. Berit Bus, whereby PJIA employees had the opportunity to attend sessions and obtain information on nutrition and healthy eating. The Airport’s Rescue and Firefighting Department (R&FF), trains regularly during the week to maintain a healthy and fit physique. Following his attendance, the Chief of the Rescue and Firefighting Department of PJIAE N.V., Mr. Manilo Penijn, stated: “I am very happy that the healthy eating and nutrition sessions were held, many in attendance were impressed with what they learned. The R&FF department is looking forward to attending more sessions in the future.”
Encouraging all PJIA workers and the airport community to work on their Healthy Lifestyle & Work-Life Balance, the first-ever PJIA “Runway Run: Fit for 2022’” was organized for its staff and stakeholders. Ms. Sandy Offringa, Legal Counsel of PJIAE N.V. and chairlady of the organizing committee lead the event. Offringa is also a personal trainer and one of the top sporters on the island, she stated: “We had a great turnout and I’m happy to be a part of this healthy program at PJIA. There was so much interest from the St. Maarten (sports) community to also participate in this unique run, therefore we will be looking into the possibility of organizing another run with an open invitation to the St. Maarten community to take part in the next event.”
“Given that the month of March 2022 was such a success, our HR Department has decided to extend the Health Lifestyle & Work-Life Balance Program until April 30, 2022,” concluded Ms. Miguela Gumbs, Human Resource Manager of PJIAE N.V.

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