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Monster Factory deems the "Let’s Get Fit" March edition a success.

letsgetfit14042022PHILIPSBURG:--- Monster Factory deems the "Let’s Get Fit" March edition a success. In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA), Community Development, Family, and Humanitarian Affairs (CDHFA) Collection Prevention Services (CPS), and Monster Factory (MF), the first-ever "Let’s Get Fit" event was hosted for a series of 5 Saturdays. The fitness event activities provided by Monster Factory included a 10-station obstacle course and warm-up aerobic routine sessions featuring ChawFitness and Fitness Attitude.
The "Let’s Get Fit" event was a free event organized for all age groups.
Dimar Labega, MF founder and adamant sports and fitness enthusiast, has been doing fitness events for the last 3 years and is now focusing on community health. Monster Factory is tremendously grateful for the cooperation of all those that came out each Saturday, whether to begin their fitness journey for the first time or just to enjoy a good Saturday workout.
Monster Factory thanks the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor (VSA) for the collaboration and looks forward to continued partnership relating to fitness projects educating and spreading fitness, health, and wellness throughout the communities of Sint Maarten.

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