Public Prosecutor Reink Mud said they kept Mr. Kingsdale in custody based on a request that was made by the French authorities who are investigating the case. Mud said the judge released the young man since the French did not provide the necessary information which would deem him to be a suspect in the case. Instead the French side wants the Dutch to take a DNA test from Kingsdale which might link him to the scene of the crime. Mud said that the Dutch law does not operate that way. The investigators had to provide some sort of evidence which would have linked Kingsdale to the scene of the crime and when he became a suspect then they are allowed to do the DNA test.
The public prosecutor said the young man even has an alibi of his whereabouts when the crime was committed. "We did not hold Mr. Kingsdale because we feel he is guilty of any crime and we cannot keep someone in custody because other people feel he is involved in the killing." People are detained when there is evidence to say the person is at least suspect. Based on this fact the judge released the young man." Mud said. "Even though Kingsdale maybe a womanizer does not mean he is a killer, one has to prove their case in a court of law." Mud said.
Furthermore, the Dutch authorities already informed the French side of the decision that was taken in the case. Mud said a delegation from the French side visited them and they were given all explanations based on the law and reasons why Kingsdale was released.
In the meantime when the families heard Kingsdale was released yesterday afternoon they decided to react by blocking Rue de Low Town the only entrance and exit to and from Marigot creating a back up of vehicles on both ends.
On the scene Nancy Fleming screamed as she explained that her daughter and grand daughter were killed in her home. On the scene was Prosecutor Jacques Louvier who told the family that he is not the one in charge of the case. Louvier said he met with the authorities on the Dutch side and they explained him why the young man was released. Nancy Fleming said that she abided by the rules of the law during the past weeks and upon hearing the news that the young man who had her house key is released has burned her heart. She said if the authorities wanted her to clear the roads then they would have to find a way to convince the Dutch authorities to hand over Kingsdale to her or the French justice system. "I will not clear the road unless Rosendo come to me and tell me why he opened the door for the murders to killer my daughter and grand daughter." Fleming said.
Louvier said the French authorities did not provide sufficient evidence to hold Kingsdale. Kingsdale had a lot of witnesses for his alibi for that fatal morning which they managed to verify. Louvier said should Kingsdale be seen on the French side he will be arrested where they would be able to conduct the DNA testing, however they cannot go to the Dutch side to make an arrest. Nancy Fleming then offered to catch Kingsdale and hand him over to the authorities, which Louvier said he does not mind if she does just that because they really need to get the DNA test which may place him at the scene of the crime.
Louvier also agreed to meet with the Fleming families tomorrow where he would give them the necessary information they have on the case which she can give to the lawyer that is looking into the case. He said he would also call the judge of instruction who is handling the case for Fleming so she would have the opportunity to speak with him directly.
Nancy Fleming said she was not willing to listen to love talk instead she needs the French authorities to do their job by providing what is necessary for Kingsdale to face the justice system. On the scene last night was the head of the research team, Commandant Loic Baras and other detectives from the gendarmerie, and territorial police. None of the authorities on the scene could not convince the grieving families to unblock the road last night, the relatives also took a turn at media representatives who were on the scene saying they did not want their photographs to be taken, instead they wanted the authorities from the Dutch side mainly the prosecutors to come over to meet with them since they are holding both nationalities.
Other members of the family including the sisters of Nejumbia Fleming were not willing to unblock the road for the night since the authorities did not find it necessary to officially inform them of the release instead they had to hear it in the community. One of the sisters said she saw Kingsdale in Philipsburg around 5pm yesterday and he told her he was coming back to kill the rest of the family. The young woman said they now have to live in fear knowing the alleged killer is walking the streets freely.
Nancy said that Rosendo clothes were found burnt in the bathroom along with his cellular phone which to her is enough proof he was indeed in the apartment that fatal night. However, the Dutch authorities needs to have at least one eye witness who might have seen him leaving the scene of the crime.
One of the investigators on the scene when he heard the clothes and phone was found in her home he immediately offered to meet with the family. Nancy Fleming said her daughter bag which contained $5000 and Euros 450 that was in the house was stolen, while the person also poisoned the dogs and removed all the light bulbs in and around the house. She said a stranger does not know her home and these are some of the questions she has for Kingsdale.
Relatives of the victims claimed Kingsdale who is the boyfriend and father of the baby is the culprit since he supposedly has several affairs with different women.
They said they believed the young man is involved simply because there were no signs of forced entry where the crime was committed and he Kingsdale is the only one with a key.
In the meantime, the French authorities still has in custody Rosalie De Windt, a former girlfriend of Kingsdale who allegedly is also involved in the killing since the young woman has burnt marks about her body when she was arrested the next day.
De Windt had agreed to voluntarily go over to the French side when she was arrested. She has since been sent to Guadeloupe where she remains in custody pending the investigation.
Nejumbia Fleming (21) was shot in the head while the killers broke the baby neck. After the brutal the attack the killers set the apartment on fire. The body of Nejumbia Fleming was burnt waist down.