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Abuse of Power--- Says George.

georgepantophletPhilipsburg:---National Alliance councilman George Pantophlet says that the Democratic Party led government continues to abuse its power but again this should come as no surprise because government always chooses when or when not to answer questions posed by the people's representatives. Article 42 of the rules of order is continuously being ignored. Article 62 of the Island Regulations of the Netherlands Antilles is being ignored.

The principles of good governance are being ignored. What prevented them from sending copies of the answers to the Island council in the same manner they were sent to the General Auditing Chamber? The National Alliance can indeed still request a meeting on the audit report on the financial statements of 2002 until 2005.
The General auditing chamber said in its report to the executive council that it could not approve these financial statements because they were uncertain about the financial position of the Island Territory of St. Maarten.
Some twelve accounts were mentioned about which the audit chamber had concerns. For example they had doubts about the account receivables account as government could not substantiate the figures.
They had concerns about unauthorized overspending of budget amounts without the approval of the Island council. And they considered this illegal. They mentioned rent expenditures not supported by documentation. This brings to mind consecutive budget meetings where we have asked for explanation on who is Marven N.V. a company that apparently owns the government administration building.
The audit chamber mentioned about the personnel files that are not in order which can lead to unauthorized personnel expenditures. They mentioned that the necessary information regarding the pension control on persons to the General Pension Fund (APNA) is either sent late or not sent at all. Also the problems of not having proper records of persons who left government service can result in government paying premium to the pension fund for ex employees. They said all the years they have controlled (2002 until 2005) the actual total cost were higher than budgeted cost which amounted to some 35 million guilders for that period. There are many more concerns mentioned in the report which will be brought to the attention of the people of St. Maarten.

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