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Governor Eugene Holiday receives “Class of 2022 valedictorians.

primaryvalidictorian04072022PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday, June 29, 2022, Governor Holiday received the top students from the various primary schools and secondary schools at his office for an audience in recognition of their outstanding performance. He received the elementary schools’ valedictorians followed by the high schools’ valedictorians. In addressing the students Governor Holiday said: “Graduating is a huge milestone in and of itself. Doing so at the top of your class is exceptional and sets you apart as a member of a select class: The Class of 2022 Valedictorians”

He expressed the hope that their outstanding performance will inspire them and their peers to continue to strive for excellence. To mark the moment Governor Holiday presented each of the students with a congratulatory letter and a Governor’s pin. He also presented an autographed copy of his book “A Close Look” to each of the students and expressed the hope that it will inspire them to further their education and serve their country in the future.

Overall, there are 26 valedictorians, 15 from primary schools and 11 from secondary schools. The top students met with Governor Holiday and visited his office. They discussed their study plans, returning home after completing studies abroad, and asked him a variety of questions regarding his education, career, and work as a Governor.

validctoriansmpc04072022Governor Holiday emphasized the importance of acquiring a good education and that he was proud of their achievement so far and noted that he looked forward to hearing about them graduating from tertiary school. On the topic of being “overqualified,” Governor Holiday stressed that there is no such thing. He stated that “your qualifications prepare you to raise the bar in whatever field you work”.

Governor Holiday concluded by congratulating all the students and their parents.

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