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Court decision in PJIAE case unfortunate, politicians misled Hyman.

~ Civil Servants should take heed when leaking documents to politicians. ~

jurendydoran26062022PHILIPSBURG:--- Deputy Prime Minister Egbert Jurendy Doran in responding to questions regarding the verdict in the Hyman and PJIAE case handed down by the Court of First Instance on Tuesday said that even though the government did not discuss the verdict he felt no win with the verdict that was rendered.
The deputy Prime Minister explained that Hyman is a local professional that lost his job. He said for the past two years he has been speaking about “leaders and misleaders” that are now washing their hands since the verdict has been rendered. Those that are washing their hands today played a pivotal role in what took place in the parliament of St. Maarten and what led to at least two persons losing their jobs at the Princess Juliana International Airport.

Doran said that these politicians used the wrong process in making the information known. He said today all fingers are being pointed at the chair of parliament. He lamented that he finds the entire situation unfortunate because the biggest loser in all of this is Michel Hyman. He said politicians and so-call representatives are leading people astray and then abandoning them at the end of the road.

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