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Justice workers commemorated at Justice Week Unveiling Cocktail Ceremony.

annajusticeweek15072022PHILIPSBURG:--- Workers of the Justice chain were commemorated in an unveiling cocktail ceremony hosted by Leroy "Beau Beau" Brooks this evening, Thursday, July 14th, 2022, at the Customs Department. The ceremony was attended by workers within the justice chain and included the certification of seven Extraordinary police immigration officers.

The Ministry of Justice was established on 10-10-10 when St. Maarten attained country status within the Kingdom. Since then, the Ministry has had significant development however, this has not been achieved without the challenges faced by our various departments and agencies. In commemorating Justice Week, Minister Richardson thought it pertinent to have the Justice Week organizing committee put together an expo where the Ministry can display and recognize the development and progress of the workers of the Ministry after more than a decade.

The Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson stated, "As Minister of Justice, I’ve been so grateful to work with such great people of this Ministry: people that are hardworking and committed. I take this time to Congratulate the entire Justice chain on Justice Week 2022. We take this week to recognize your tireless efforts in ensuring order and the safety and security of the people of St. Maarten. As such, I bid a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you within the Justice chain for all that you do with the limited resources at your disposal."

During the event, 12 years of history were unveiled in an expo consisting of pictures depicting milestones accomplished by all the various workers within the Ministry of Justice and the justice chain as well as those who retired. Seven Extraordinary police immigration officers were also presented with their certification in Integral Skills training given by the Koninklijke Marechaussee. They participated in training consisting of violence control, arrest and self-defense skills, and shooting skills.

The occasion served as a time for the justice workers to reminisce and reflect on their time here at the Ministry. The Ministry of Justice Expo is scheduled to open for 30 days to the general public on weekdays from Monday, July 18th until Friday, August 12th from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. As such, Minister Richardson hereby encourages workers and retirees of the justice chain to visit the expo. Parents are also encouraged to bring their kids, summer camps to bring their students, and the taxi association to bring tourists to learn about the milestones and witness the Ministry of Justice on display.

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