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What is behind the motion of no confidence against Minister of VROMI?

~ Promised Water Rights to Algeria as the driving force to remove Doran. ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran in a radio program on Tuesday indicated that there is more in the mortar than in pestle with regards to the motion of no confidence that the Party for Progress tries to table against him last week when they sneaked an agenda point in the urgent meeting called to debate the constitution.
Doran said the PFP faction mainly former head of Domain Affairs and now Member of Parliament Raeyhon Peterson made promises made to Algeria, now Morgans Resort. Doran said the motion of no confidence has nothing to do with the Ombudsman report but in fact, it's been used by the PFP.
The Minister read a letter that was sent to him by Morgans Resort in June 2020, in which they informed him of the promised water rights, in the said letter which is below this article clearly indicated that PFP MP Raeyhon Peterson was part of the meeting to discuss the water rights and he promised to finalize the water rights for Algeria.
Doran said that the former Secretary General held a meeting with the business owners and made a settlement without him being informed or the Council of Ministers which he is part of notified.
Doran said Raeyhon Peterson was instrumental in the promised water rights to Algeria and he guaranteed the developers that it would have been finalized but that did not happen because the developers even filed an injunction and he as Minister of VROMI fought the case and the government of St. Maarten won.
Doran said that Peterson agreed to price for Erfpacht land and the government of St. Maarten including the Minister was not informed.

The Minister said if water rights are granted to Alegria at least 1300 persons such as taxi drivers, tour bus drivers, and others will be affected if Algeria gets to build a dock then the bread will be taken out of many families on St. Maarten.

The Minister promised to hold everyone accountable for the decisions they took that would affect people's life.

He said he has a large file on this the Algeria case is a very large file and their motion of no confidence is just a smoke screen and has nothing to do with the Ombudsman report.

 Besides what the Minister has said on the radio sources said that Raeyhon Peterson and former Minister Chris Wever were allegedly paid by the developer for the issuance of the water rights to Algeria Resort. It behooves the PFP to now come clean since the letter from the developer is now in the public domain regarding the promises made by a civil servant and now a Member of Parliament. At the same time, PFP should also explain what Charlon Pompier meant when he said he was kicked off their party because he could not cooperate with the leaking of confidential information. Read Pompier's letter here.

Click here to read the letter sent to the Minister of VROMI.

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