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The Sint Maarten General Hospital records the largest pour in Sint Maarten’s history, totaling 120 cement trucks.

smmcpour01082022PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday, July 29th, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, visited the Sint Maarten General Hospital (SMGH) project site to witness the largest pour-in Sint Maarten's history, which was 700 cubic meters. The historic pour of section 6 started at 3 pm and lasted 22 hours. The last update from the Minister was given during the pour of sections 4 & 5, which together totaled 400 cubic meters.

At that time the Finso company and the SMGH contract manager projected the pouring of section 6 to commence somewhere around July 22nd, 2022. “The pour was delayed by one week, which was understandable for a pour of such magnitude, as unforeseen delays can be expected. I am happy that the mandatory quarterly stakeholder's meetings seem to be achieving the desired objective of setting target dates and accomplishing them within the projected timeframe.” Said Ottley.

Finso has now committed to an increase in the workforce within the next week. The Minister expressed the importance of utilizing local manpower. He stated that by the next quarterly meeting, an analysis will be done to ensure that adequate manpower will be readily available for the upcoming phases of the project. The findings will be reported to the people of Sint Maarten, whom he views as the most important stakeholders.


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