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Prime Minister Jacobs collaborates with community in Back2School Drive.

~Fifty schoolbags with supplies and gift vouchers delivered to various schools & students~

sillybacktoschool08082022PHILIPSBURG:---  Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs, Silveria Jacobs, paid visits to Prince Willem Alexander School, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr school staff and St. Martin Vocational Training School on a tour to deliver school supplies on the first day of school. During the visits, the Prime Minister addressed the management, staff, and students of the Vocational School to share words of encouragement on their first day.

The bags were made possible due to a collaborative effort by the Prime Minister, Your Voice Your Choice Foundation with sponsorship from Island Concrete, Adolphus Richardson Office Supplies, Penny’s Dept Store, Looking Good II & Van Dorp. This community support made it possible for 50 children to receive donated school supplies as well as vouchers for uniforms and their fees.

Pledges for more donations have been received for the foundation and will be processed during the course
of the week.

Over the weekend five bags were donated to the children at the St. Maarten Children’s Home, and thirteen to individuals known from previous drives in the Dutch Quarter area. During this morning’s tour, twelve bags were delivered to Sint Maarten Vocational Training School, eight to Prince Willem Alexander, seven to Milton Peters College, five to Martin Luther King School,

“No child should be left behind because of a lack of access to proper school supplies. Times may be a bit hard now, but I am committed to facilitating the provision of as much assistance and opportunities as I can to promote a positive environment for learning,” said Prime Minister Jacobs.


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