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USM must be a priority says party leader.

lucmercelinaursm22082022PHILIPSBURG:--- Dr. Luc Mercelina, the Leader of the political party URSM (Unified Resilient Sint Maarten Movement) paid an orientation and courtesy visit to the University of Sint Maarten (USM) on August 19th, 2022.
“As a political party, the URSM strongly believes in Education and Professional Treasury as the main pillar to sustain the process of Nation Building. It is my task as leader of the URSM to continue to stay informed where the USM is standing in the process of becoming the National University for Country Sint Maarten.”, explained Dr. Mercelina.

Discussions on a draft National Ordinance to officially establish the USM as the National University for our young country Sint Maarten, possibilities of cooperation between the USM and universities in the neighboring Islands in the Caribbean, formation of a transatlantic academic platform, and the process of a draft National Ordinance on Higher Education, were some of the topics discussed with the President of the USM Dr. Antonio Carmona Baéz.
“I share many of the concerns of Dr. Carmona Baéz as it relates to the general state of Education in Sint Maarten, inclusive of Tertiary Education. Any country that aspires to stand on its own feet, would need a properly accredited National University," said Dr. Mercelina.

He added, "we must make education a priority once and for all to ensure we have an education system reflective of the needs of our country."

"On behalf of the URSM I would like to thank Dr. Carmona Baéz for meeting with me and having a fruitful conversation on Education.”, concluded the leader of URSM Dr. Luc Mercelina.


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