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Commissioner Wescot provides Unions representing Federal Government employees with an update on constitutional developments.

presentator_fedgovPhilipsburg- Commissioner responsible for Constitutional Affairs Sarah Wescot-Williams, on Thursday evening provided an update to Unions representing Federal Government employees about the constitutional process especially as it relates to the transfer of tasks to St. Maarten and the transfer of personnel to the island.
Representatives from WICSU, ABVO and NAPB representing Federal Government employees were present for the information session that took place in the A.C. Wathey Legislative Hall.
Information was provided about the dismantling process, the Island Governments organizational development projects, the constitutional transformation process, the Island Government organizational structure and Island Government systems.
"The meeting with the unions is part of the constitutional information process to keep essential stakeholders informed and up to date on constitutional developments and also to give them the opportunity to ask questions.
"The presentations were well received by those present. It is our responsibility to make this process of transfer of tasks, responsibilities and of personnel from the Federal Government to the Island, to go as smoothly as possible.
fed_govempl"Clearly the unions representing Federal Government employees are concerned by the lack of information from their employer for federal civil servants.
"We discussed the implications and progress since the signing of the November 24, 2008 accord between the Island Territory and the Federal Government. An overall overview of the status of affairs and specifically the aforementioned agreement and the conclusions of the December 15, 2008 Round Table Conference were provided to the attendees.
"It was an open, frank and transparent discussion. The Federal Government employee union representatives were in agreement that a representative from the Federal Government be present at the next information session which is tentatively planned for next month," Commissioner of Constitutional Affairs Sarah Wescot-Williams told the Government Information Service (GIS) on Friday.
The Commissioner of Constitutional Affairs was supported by Constitutional Project Coordinator Dennis Richardson, Luud Hakkens from the Personnel Department and Interim Head of the Bureau for Constitutional Affairs Jeannette Hagen.
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