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Working visit Governor Eugene B. Holiday to Aruba.

holidayaruba26082022PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday, August 24, and Thursday, August 25, 2022, His Excellency Governor Eugene B. Holiday paid a two-day working visit to Aruba as part of his farewell as Governor of Sint Maarten. On Wednesday, the Governor met with the Governor of Aruba, Mr. Boekhoudt where they looked back on their cooperation as Governors over the past years (see Photo below). On Wednesday evening the Governor of Aruba hosted a farewell reception in honor of Governor Holiday. During the reception, the Governor was addressed by the Governor of Aruba. Governor Boekhoudt thanked the Governor for their pleasant working relationship, his willingness to offer to advice when needed, and his friendship. Governor Holiday also addressed his colleague of Aruba and the guests present. He expressed his appreciation for the good working relationship with Governor Boekhoudt. He also spoke about the close family ties between the people of Aruba and the People of Sint Maarten and stressed the importance of cooperation between the countries. Governor Holiday closed by wishing the people and government of Aruba all the best and thanked Governor Boekhoudt and his wife for the gesture of organizing a beautiful farewell reception.
On Thursday the Governor paid a courtesy visit to the President of Parliament of Aruba, Mr. Vrolijk, and the Prime Minister of Aruba, Mrs. Wever-Croes. He also visited marine base Savaneta where he met the Commander of the Marines at Savaneta Lieutenant-Colonel Van Wijk and three non-commissioned officers of the Sint Maarten detachment of the marines. They spoke, among others, about the preparations for the Atlantic hurricane season.


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