PHILIPSBURG;--- Pro Soualiga would like to extend congratulations to the Parliament of St. Maarten on the commencement of its new parliamentary year. This new parliamentary year will be very important in that we are now at a crossroads with the Dutch State regarding our peremptory right to self-determination from which there is no deviation. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Permanent Committee for Constitutional Affairs and Decolonization, MP Ludmila Duncan and MP Grisha Heyliger, for their tremendous work during the last parliamentary year to further the realization of our decolonization process. Additionally, we extend gratitude to the entire Permanent Committee for Constitutional Affairs and Decolonization for taking the time to listen to our various presentations brought before Parliament in June and August of this year. In closing, Pro Soualiga wishes the Parliament of St. Maarten a successful new parliamentary year and we look forward to working with the entire parliamentary body in order to realize our jus cogens right to self-determination.
Pro Soualiga Foundation