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HASMA gives Naturalization Seminar.

seminarhsma13092022PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday evening, the Haitian Association of St. Maarten (HASMA) hosted a naturalization seminar for individuals of the Haitian community.

The purpose of the seminar was primarily to highlight the various pathways to citizenship. Designed to help lawful permanent residents and others interested in naturalization learn about the naturalization process, eligibility requirements, testing, citizenship rights, and responsibilities.

The seminar also served as a feeler to gauge interest in a pilot program that will tutor the Dutch language in Haitian creole. This program is currently in development and will soon be available for input and review by the relevant stakeholders.

Although initially scheduled to be held on the second floor of the WIFOL building the seminar had to be ceremoniously reconvened in the parking lot as the crowd grew beyond capacity. Based on a quick survey the primary areas of interest of the attendees were how their spouse or children could obtain their citizenship. In attendance were also a few religious leaders, to gather information to further relay to their congregation.

 "I am pleased and proud of the individuals that showed interest in tonight's seminar. We did not anticipate this many people.

These seminars are part of our overall initiative to help better integrate Haitians within our community. We have individuals living and actively contributing to St. Maarten for many decades Many are affable and decorous and have made St. Maarten their permanent home, it's only right that they too, become naturalized citizens. " Vice president of HASMA Fabio Doralice

 In addition to the seminar, HASMA has put together an outreach help desk and assistance committee to aid and support interested persons on their path to citizenship. The "support center" is not exclusive nor limited to individuals within the Haitian community but in fact, is open to everyone.

"This is exactly what is needed, initiatives that cater to the social needs of our community. I want to thank president Fabio and the entire HASMA for putting this together. - Joseph H. Laroche"
"The community can look forward to us engaging more with these kinds of activities, we believe it is vitally important for individuals to have access to proper and accurate information to facilitate their needs. - "Leyna" Merlande - Secretary of HASMA.

HASMA also invites the community to their Immigration seminar taking place at the Wifold Building on Monday, September 19th at 7:00 pm.


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