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janchiPhilipsburg:--- Defending the police on how they handle cases of rape or abuse police spokesman Johan Janchi Leonard said while he is not referring to any specific case, rape cases generally are very hard to prove. He said in most cases the victims of these incidents do not report the abuse on time. "One of the most crucial evidence to solving rape cases is the rape kit that is done by doctors" Leonard said.
Of recent months police received a number of complaints related to sexual abuse and in most cases they were able to apprehend the suspect.
However, these persons who maybe considered as sexual predators are being released by the investigating judge for the lack of evidence. Suspects who are found to be residing on the island illegally are being deported when this happens, a mere slap on the wrist, while no information on the suspect is sent to authorities in the suspect's country of origin.

Asked if there are loopholes in the law or why these suspected predators are able to escape the hands of the law Leonard said even though there maybe loopholes in the law the biggest hindrance in these cases generally is the time frame between the times of the incident and when the report was made. Rape cases are generally very hard to prove and this he said has been so and will remain so unless women or victims of such crimes begin to act quickly. Leonard said there are times when the victim would report the violation days, weeks, months and even years after the offence was committed. "What happens next is the man would say that the sex was consented and how else can that be disputed since the suspect would give several reasons why the woman is trying to frame him. "There are cases where women lie on men and vise versa, I am not saying this to discourage women but instead to let them know unless they act on time law enforcement cannot give them the justice they need." Leonard said.

The only evidence to prove otherwise is the doctor since they would see if the victim was indeed raped. Consensual sex does not leave the same traces and this cannot be seen with the naked eyes." Leonard explained while this is ruled out in cases of minors since sex with a minor is not allowed in the Antillean or Dutch laws. However, these minors must come forward and report these offences. The police spokesman said that another problem that has to be addressed is how parents deal with their children. "Women have to know who they are brining into their homes. He said many mothers who are left to raise children by themselves (single mothers) team up with men who would molest their daughters and the women would go all out to protect their man who in most cases is the bread winner over the child (victim). Leonard said there are cases where minor girls would go with their boyfriends overnight and to escape punishment at home they would tell their parents that they were kidnapped and raped. He said the police cannot keep someone behind bars if there is not sufficient proof. Neither can the police babysit children. Mothers he said has to listen to their children and most importantly know who they are having as mates. Mothers he said must be protective of their children and not the man that they are living with or having an affair with. "Mothers need to know that their children should be first and foremost in their lives even if the man is the bread winner".
The police spokesman said the police are not stupid neither are they dumb even though acknowledging that they do make mistakes as human. He said the police would do everything in their power to make sure victims of rape get justice. However, he said that the police do not work on hearsay; they do need concrete proof to put someone in jail, something that is often hard to come by in cases such as rape.

Leonard said another hurdle to cross is when the man (suspect) says one thing which is contrary to what the victim is saying. "It's his word against her word without evidence".
The senior police spokesman said on this International Women's day he wants women to know that the minute they are violated they must report it right away so that they can be examined by a doctor. Leonard said women needs to put aside the shame and embarrassment they feel when such things happen and use to the law to their best interest. He further stated that if the law does not give enough satisfaction these victims should turn to the press and other institutions so that the person or persons in question can be exposed. "I know this is hard to do, but it is the only way to attack these cases."

"Women are our mothers and they need to be protected and honored, there should also be a high esteem for our women and mothers. Due to this they need to take a tougher stand. Women are also the strongest being and they need to know their strength and use it." Leonard said.
Leonard said women must begin to take a tougher stand so that they can be appreciated as well as being respected. This he said must be done from the first day of every relationship. "Do not allow a man to beat you or intimidate you instead have him respect and love you" In cases of ill-treatment the first time a man lay hands on you throw him out of the house, do not tolerate him or accept this type of abuse. The police spokesman said women who are being abused by men should not show sympathy to these men since they would do it another time which would make the man feels like he owns the woman. "Never leave men feels like or believe he owns you. Take a tough stand from the beginning despite the odds." Leonard concluded by saying when women show their true strength more men would appreciate them for who they are. Women should stand strong and remain that way since they are stronger than men.
He also credited the associations who are involved in preventing abuse against women. Those associations are Safe Heaven and Peridot Foundation.

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