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Self Care is the New Sexy the Retreat Is Coming to Sint Maarten.

annaretreat16092022PHILIPSBURG:--- Dr. Shana Lewis, a TEDx speaker, Licensed Professional Counselor, and a National Certified Counselor turned Executive Wellness Coach will be joined by thirteen (13) world-renowned speakers including Khaliah Guillory of the Nap Bar and Dr. Felecia Phillips at her 1st annual retreat titled, Selfcare is the New Sexy. The retreat is being hosted in St. Maarten on Sept 29th - 3rd Oct 2022 with an itinerary that includes an exclusive All White Welcome Party, Daily Yoga, Conference, Domestic Violence Benefit Gala, and so much more
“Selfcare is the New Sexy is based on the premise that when a woman has sufficiently cared for herself, she is able to show up powerful, confident, clear, assertive, and focused and that's SEXY. It has nothing to do with the outside or how we look but everything to do with how we feel on the inside. The team and I are excited to bring this movement to St. Maarten. Amongst the many events I have either hosted or spoken at as a featured Keynote Speaker; books I've written or documentaries I've produced; this retreat in St. Maarten is the one project I am most excited about to finish out 2022,” says Dr. Shana.
As a champion for women, Dr. Shana is aware of the many stressors and issues that women face on a daily basis that make it difficult for them to take good care of themselves. Therefore, this retreat has been curated especially for working, professional, middle-class women who are between the ages of 35-60 years old for the purpose of giving this woman an opportunity to intentionally take a moment to stop and pour back into herself.
This retreat extends amazing opportunities for women to not only pour back into themselves but to network with global leaders, celebrities, and women who are also on their mission to greatness while giving back to a good cause that the St. Maarten ladies can be proud of right in their own backyard.
Approximately 50+ women from the US will be treated to the absolute luxury of our island while engaging in conference workshops that will equip them with the knowledge, they can use to fill their cups so that they can return home ready to serve from their overflow!
During this retreat, we will also take time to focus on one critical women's issue, Domestic Violence Awareness. To this end, we will host "A Purple Nite Under The Stars Gala Benefit" at The Simpson Bay Beach Resort Ball Room that will allow us to highlight survivors and support the non-profit organizations globally doing the work including St. Marten’s Safe Haven which serves local domestic violence survivors. This is the event of the year that you don't want to miss!
“We can’t come into your house and not invite you to the party. So, we not only desire to bring our retreat to this beautiful island but also extend invitations to the women in St. Maarten to join us throughout our retreat program. It would be an honor to create a space for our guest, speaker, my team, and I to be able to network with the powerful women on the island of St. Maarten/St. Martin during this trip,” says Dr. Shana
In being intentional about cultivating relationships with women in St. Maarten, Dr. Shana has collaborated with several local businesses to execute this event including Cristal Legrand of Legrand Voyages and MP Ludmila De Weever of Island Rebel. Dr. Shana also met with the Safe Haven and our Honorable Minister of Justice, Ms. Anna Richardson during her scouting trip to St. Maarten in May. The main purpose of these meetings was to discuss her intention to host this benefit gala in honor of Domestic Violence survivors and support organizations. This gala will be hosted on 1st October 2022. Tickets for the gala are available at Van Drop (both locations). Tickets are valued at $125 and as a special to the women on the island each ticket will admit two (2) persons.
The Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson stated, “I’d like to commend Dr. Shana Lewis for her efforts in highlighting Domestic Violence for this retreat with a benefit gala. Domestic violence against anyone; women and even men are not okay by any means. Over the past two years, Domestic Violence is an issue that the Ministry of Justice has been tackling by highlighting the month of November as Domestic Violence & Gender Based Violence Awareness Month to raise awareness of this unwanted practice within our community. The Ministry is also in its final stages of staffing the Victim Support Sint Maarten Foundation (VSS) to provide support and assistance to persons who are victims of domestic violence. As such, I am truly thankful for platforms such as this one where we can move mountains, inspire change and bring healing to those suffering from trauma."
To learn more about Self Care is the New Sexy The Retreat, go to:


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