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Invitation extended to over 10,000 in effort to address unemployment and poverty. By Rawle Nelson.

pastordhAs the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis joins the rest of the region in battling severe unemployment an invitation has been extended to over 10,000 persons by the Pastor Desmond Herbert Foundation (PDHF).

Already with over some 700 persons already losing their jobs to retrenchment in the wake of what the Pastor Desmond Herbert Foundation believes is an economic crisis that will grow worse, the leadership of the Christian oriented foundation says that it is now prepared to accommodate over 10,000 persons in offering them some means of assistance.

President and Founder of the foundation, Desmond Herbert said that the foundation is issuing an appeal to these persons to visit the foundation's office situated at Quality Trading Supplies Limited so as to have their concerns and issues documented. "We are devising a massive plan so as to assist these persons in whatever way that we can.

Therefore, we are inviting them to visit the foundation's office so that we can address a number of issues," Herbert said.

Herbert noted that he is willing to collaborate with both government and private sector "without precondition" in an effort to create "an alliance of stakeholders" in an attempt to seek to fashion a collective response to the crisis.

"We at the foundation are attempting to ensure that we can be taken seriously by all involved. As such, we trust that the foundation would be looked upon as a serious partner in addressing the urgent critical situation that we (St Kitts and Nevis) are faced with thus being able to be treated with respect as we are confident that we can make meaningful contributions in addressing the current crisis," Pastor Herbert told this reporter.

Herbert while not disclosing any details about his foundation's plan that they will present to government said that the foundation is confident that its plan can and will be essential in bringing about a [positive change to what people are faced with. "This NGO organization is committed to being part of "a key stakeholder partnership in the very difficult times thus the PDHF can be taken at its word," Herbert said.

Herbert pointed out that already he has met with persons who have been laid off from the tourism, Hospitality and manufacturing sectors, as shrinking international demand begins to force local companies to reduce their operating costs. Herbert pointed out that the Four Seasons Hotel in Nevis and some manufacturing companies in St Kitts had already sent home employees adding that some employers in an effort to save jobs have reduced the hours of their employees.

The PDHF President disclosed that the PDHF had already begun to reach out to a number of other workers noting that she is confident that the current crisis was likely to spread and that their jobs too might eventually be placed on the line. "The Pastor Desmond Herbert Foundation is extremely concerned thus we have begun to venture into meeting with workers from a number of sectors so as to see how we can collectively address the problem. There is evidently a need for someone whether it is institution. Organization or collective forces to look into the interests of those affected or likely to be affected in the context of the crisis facing them. We got to understand that they are the ones who are very vulnerable and very exposed," Herbert said.

He said that the shrinking economy, the threat to workers' jobs and the attendant social consequences made it imperative that the foundation which he stressed is operated solely on Christian principles make clear its preparedness to be part of any "process of national dialogue that includes government" to discuss ways in which the federation of St Kitts and Nevis can respond to the crisis. "We need to underscore the important point that the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis is bigger than any political or social movement while we must also understand that it is bigger than the government.

We as Kittitians and Nevisians got to move a step further and demonstrate that the tike for division and fighting is over as we got to realize that our commitment is really to our country rather than to any partisan or sectorial interest" he declared.

We are extending an invitation to the government and we are trusting that if they will sit with us we are confident that we can and will have open, purposeful and professional discussions on matters of critical importance to national growth and development," Pastor Herbert noted.

He added "this is a time of national emergency, a time when workers and peoples interests are very much at stake and a meeting of minds to determine the way forward should not be conditional on differences of opinion on lesser issues as too many times religious leaders are divided on minor and pretty issues which creates doubts and distrust among unbelievers thus questioning them as to why they are do many divisions among Christians," Pastor Herbert said.

Herbert announced that the PDHF is shortly to summon all religious leaders in St Kitts and Nevis to an emergency meeting so as to devisee a plan of action in helping to address crime. He pointed out that while the Prime Minister has devised a plan of action from Government's position no other organization, institutions or concerned group has come forward to lend any hand in putting in what he called ‘their two pence'.

"The meeting involving religious leaders would be one that can be described as "a meeting of critical importance" to discuss the implications of the economic situation for the work force along with the current escalation of crime. Asked whether the PDHF intended to extend invitations to religious leaders who may not want to get involve in addressing the crime situation for varying reasons Herbert told this reporter that while all religious leaders have a right to express and decide whether or not they want to get involve he hope that they all come on board for the sole interest of the federation

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