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Police to get 2—year back Up --- Focus to be placed on Intelligence.

police1Philipsburg:--- The KPSSS would be receiving at least two years of back up from their twining partners the South Holland South (Zuit Holland Zuit) says Assistant Chief Commissioner of Police Ademar Doran at a press conference yesterday.
Acting Chief Commissioner of Police of South Holland South Gerritden Uyl said the focus of the partnership is to strengthen and or further developing the operations of the police force and providing the much needed human resources. Uyl said even though the program has officially begun with their first official visit heavier focus will be placed during the summer vacation. He confirmed that there are financial means in the Netherlands for the program since the island is undergoing its status change.
uylDoran said that during the last three days the management team of the local police force met with the visiting officers and they already got a sense of warmth with relation to cooperation. He said based on that he is declaring that the St. Maarten Police Force is ready to cooperate in the program with their twining partners. Doran stressed that it is his belief that the island can only benefit from the program. Uyl said they plan to offer training to officers of the KPSSS here locally and in Holland. Discussed are forensics, criminal investigation and renewing the neighborhood policing. These programs he said was tried in Holland, while some of it was successful others were not but felt these programs can be implemented here. However, the local police management is the ones to decide what has to be enforced. Uyl said that some 15 police officers from Zuit Holland Zuit will be made available to the island.

Police Brutality

doranAsked how they intend to deal with police brutality since this has been one of the main concerns of the community. Doran said that the issue is indeed a delicate one but the topic was discussed with the staff of the police on Tuesday. He said management is trying to provide the officers with as much information by refreshing their minds on the rules and regulations of the force.
Doran said in the future a senior police officer from the local police force would be alongside the visiting officers who are conducting controls.

Bilateral Agreement on Cross Border.

With the release given by the French gendarmes concerning the fact that there is no bilateral agreement on cross border policing between the two sides of the island Doran said he plans to make contact with the commandant of the gendarmes where he would further discuss the matter. Doran said he intends to discuss all pending issues but felt that it is of great importance for both parties to get this type of agreement. He said while there is a physical border in place for the police and gendarmes there is none for the criminals. The acting police chief said he believes it is necessary for the two side law enforcement to cooperate to such a level that they could get across the border.
In the meantime, SMN News has learnt that the Commandant of the gendarmerie expressed his discontentment to the visiting officers who paid a courtesy visit to his office on Tuesday. It is said the Dutch police never made use of their radios or telephones to contact the gendarmes while they were on hot pursuit on Monday. This media house also understands up to yesterday the gendarmes are yet to receive an official call from Doran on the incident. It is said that the gendarmes are extremely annoyed with the Dutch Police who have changed three police chiefs in recent months. It is understood that each of the chiefs had different rules on cooperation but none of them has so far lived up to their own rules. SMN News further understands that the only time the gendarmes are contacted by the Dutch police in cases of hot pursuit is when an accident occurred. The source said Monday the gendarmes were not contacted prior to the accident and it was a passerby who called the gendarmes when they noticed there was an accident. Because of this the gendarmes arrived more than an hour after the accident has occurred.


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