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Students of Sundial School Celebrates Violence Prevention Day, Today.

cimg1460Philipsburg:--- Sundial School has a packed program for the celebration of Violence Prevention Day today. The prevention program culminates with a mini-concert. The concert will be high lightening a number of fun-filled activities; which includes behavior motivation Awards Prize Giving Ceremony; drug/violence-free rap, drama, speech, poetry.
The PTA is invited is also invited to the days program. There will also be a peaceful remembrance of Stanley Gumbs who was brutally taken who was murdered
Also in the program is a prominent feature on domestic violence T-shirt Art Clothes Line-Exhibition, honoring mothers who traditionally wash clothes, raising consciousness and communicating non-verbally to victims that they are not alone. Every student who cares about women decorates her/his own shirt and it is a testimony to their experience. Each category of abuse is assigned a different message. The Suggested Color Code is WHITE is for women who have died of violence; YELLOW or BEIGE for women who have been battered or assaulted; RED, PINK, or ORANGE for women who have been raped or sexually assaulted; BLUE or GREEN is for women survivors of incest or child sexual abuse; PURPLE or LAVENDER for women attacked because of their sexual orientation. BLACK is for women attacked for what they believe. It is a voice for those who want to tell but don't want to talk.

The program for the days activities are as follows.

Friday's program includes a mini-concert on Friday, March 20, 2009 highlighting a number of fun-filled activities: a domestic violence Clothesline T-shirt Art Exhibition; Behavior Motivation Awards Prize Giving Ceremony; drug/violence-free rap, drama, speech, poetry. The PTA will be present.

7:30 Mentors take students to class. Take attendance.
Handout booster-grams, and Anti-violence bracelets
T-shirts are placed on lines for public viewing

8:15 Students take seats in Gym with mentors
Prayer, School Song, Say Peace Pledge

8:30 Program begins with performances from students: Rap, dance, poetry, drama

9:00 Guest Speaker 1: Whitfield Brown

9:45 Break: Students invited to watch exhibits

10:00 Program continues with performances from guests: Krump Soldiers, Odysseys, The Psychotics etc.

10:30 Guest Speaker 2: Commissioner Maria Buncamper-Molanus

11:00 Behavior awards begin; Announcement of T-shirt winner.

11:30 Guest Speaker 3: Mercedes Wyatt: Electra

11:45 Student Happy hour begins

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