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Senior Citizens in Limbo for Help Chauffeurs License ---Process too tedious --- Several on waiting list.

Philipsburg:---Close to seventy persons who are either senior citizens or chronically ill are now hanging in limbo as they wait on the island government for their ‘help chauffeurs license'. SMN News have been reliably informed that several older persons or person who fell ill and cannot work but holds either a taxi or bus license is denied of a regular income since they are not able to obtain their "help chauffeur' license.
With the increase inflation and cost of living these persons it is understood is finding it extremely difficult to survive.

One elderly citizen said that he requested his license over six months now and to date he is not able to uplift the license from Yellow Building. The man said he is chronically ill and is not able to have someone work for him since there are government controllers on the road checking on drivers. Even worst the elderly man said he is not even able to uplift his license plate since he requested a "help chauffeur license". He further explained that the officials the Island Receiver is requesting holders of these licenses to go in person to form the line at their office to pick up their number plates. The man said his medical condition does not permit him to stand for hours and felt if he had his "help chauffeur license" then the holder of the license would have been able to pick up their plates.
Sources told SMN News that the processing of these licenses has stagnated since September of last year and so far the department does not know when it would resume.

Commissioner of Transportation Roy Marlin confirmed that the process for ‘help chauffeurs license is indeed a long and tedious process. He said based on how the process is set up for the moment these requests have to be processed by the Public Transportation Committee who would approve or disapprove of the granting of these licenses.
Marlin said just last week he met with the head of the Public Transportation Mr. Sherwin Fredricks whom he requested to provide him with a proposal which would grant Fedricks the power to grant these licenses without sending them to the executive council or the transportation committee. Asked how many persons are waiting on these licenses Marlin said he did not think there are so many persons on the waiting list, however, the commissioner said he did not have the exact figures. Marlin said persons who have their licenses, insurance and other relevant documents can pick up their license plate without much hassle.


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