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Richard Santaga wins 2023 SHTA Event Calendar Photo Contest.

shtaphotocontest05102022PHILIPSBURG:--- Out of 16 submitted pictures for the 2023 Event Calendar Photo Contest, a winning picture was selected today by the St Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA). The association congratulates Richard Santaga for his beautiful photograph capturing four colorful sailing boats on a sunny St. Maarten day. The SHTA would like to thank all candidates who participated in the contest and shared their art.
With his winning picture, Mr. Santaga wins a weekend stay at The Azure Hotel & Art Studio, donated to this special cause by the Hotel.
Santaga’s picture will be one of the 12-month images on the Event Calendar 2023, features also in VISIT Magazine, the official in-room magazine of SHTA, exclusively distributed to SHTA member hotel rooms.
To qualify, the photo needed to portray the island’s attractiveness through landscapes, cultural symbols, or art. Amongst other sent-in photos, displaying the iconic Front Street, nature, and night views portraying the lively St. Maarten nightlife, beautiful beaches, and many more impressive locations.
The Calendar is used throughout the island and beyond for sharing the island’s liveliness. To reserve your free copy of the Event Calendar 2023 please do so at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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