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Digital Investigation in the Caribbean Netherlands: A Cybercrime Case Study.

BONAIRE:--- As of April 2021, the KPCN has established a special cyber team with the aim of providing proper cybercrime support in the coming years. Besides the Digital Investigation Teams (TDO), the Cyber Crime Unit (CCU) contributes immensely to the development of digital investigation specialisms within the force.
This case study describes the situation for the TDO and CCU in 2021, the strategy the KPCN wants to grow towards, the tactical focus on victims, offenders & infrastructure to tackle cybercrime holistically, the operational focus on skills and the intelligence imagery & execution that make the TDO & CCU functional. It concludes with the goals and visions for the future of digital investigation specialism in the Dutch Caribbean.
While digitalization has given the police better tools to tackle crime and get people the help they need faster and more efficiently, it has also given criminals the means to commit crimes with the same efficiency. Without proper enforcement, the public remains vulnerable to cyber-attacks of all kinds. The cyber team of the Dutch Caribbean Police Force is unique in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom and actively seeks (international) collaborations with police forces, organizations, and partners that support them in this. In doing so, they strengthen the KPCN and the population of the BES islands to stay safe, alert, and well-informed about cybercrime.
The case study was written by, respectively, Cyber quartermaster, Erik van de Sandt, coordinator of Team Digital Investigation, Elston Martis, head of Investigation, Alwyn Braaf, chief of Investigation, Steven Senior and head of Information, Melvin Sint Jago of the Dutch Caribbean Police Force.
To read the full case study visit this link on our website:


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