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Motorcycle accident in Sucker Garden.

motorcycleaccident27112022PHILIPSBURG:--- Police Traffic Department is also investigating a traffic accident in which a motorcyclist crashed into a car on the Sucker garden road.

At approximately 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022, the Central Dispatch received a call about a traffic accident that took place on Sucker Garden road in which a motorcyclist was injured.

According to the preliminary investigation, it appears that the driver of the motorcycle was driving on the Sucker Garden road overtaking a line of vehicles on the left side coming from the direction of Arch road and going in the direction of Pin Cushion cactus road.

Simultaneously, the driver of a blue Kia who was also going in the same direction attempted to make a left turn resulting in a traffic accident.

The driver was injured and was later transported by private vehicle to the St. Maarten Medical Center.


KPSM Press Release.


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