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DCOMM launches Noise Pollution campaign.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Department of Communication (DCOMM) has launched a Noise Pollution campaign in collaboration with the Inspectorate of TEATT, and other departments, persons, and institutions to bring awareness about the different aspects of noise pollution to the community and to show the importance of protecting your hearing.

An Inside Government radio and tv program has been completed and will air on the 15 of December.

The interview was conducted by DCOMM with Lucien Wilson, Head of the Inspectorate of TEATT, in relation to established businesses and the level of music/noise. He explains what is noise pollution in this regard, the different aspects of noise pollution, how should people deal with noise pollution, the procedures, and the laws and regulations concerning noise pollution.

The program will air on FaceBook and YouTube on December 15th and 22nd respectively @7:00pm. TelTV15 and TVCarib - Dec 15th and 22nd will air at 7:00 pm. The program will be repeated throughout the tv station’s 24hr schedule during the two-week period.

This Inside Government program will also air on SXMGov Radio 107.9FM on December 15 at 8 am, 4 pm, and 8 pm.

In addition, the campaign consists of Radio PSAs, TELEM Text, Digital posters on DCOMM FB, Government Info Page (newspaper), Twitter, and Instagram sites.

For more info on this aspect, of noise pollution, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call: 542-5641, or visit Inspection Dept. at: Juancho Yrausquin Boulevard #6, on your way to Point Blanche.

Other areas regarding Noise pollution that affects are work, pregnant women, Children, Carnival, Concerts, DJ events, Home parties, Health Patients, Animal noise pollution, Neighborhood noise, Bars businesses in residential areas, Loud noise/music from cars and car engines, Fireworks, Seniors, Sports, ballparks, Construction noise, workers, etc.

The public is asked to look out for the campaign, tune into the programs, and to share the information with friends and family.

But most importantly, for the community to assess the noise levels in their life and how it is affecting their hearing and that of others.


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