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The Sint Maarten Lions Club welcomes the First Baby of The New Year.

lionsbaby05012023PHILIPSBURG:--- The Sint Maarten Lions Club celebrated life earlier this week, welcoming the first baby born in the New Year. Proud mother Kaila L. Woodley introduced her bouncing bundle of joy Kairi C. J. Woodley into the world on Monday, Jan 2nd, 2023 at 9:10 pm weighing 3998 grams.

St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) Gynaecologist Dr. Friday performed the successful delivery. It was pure joy and excitement at the SMMC when the newborn Kairi C.J. Woodley arrived into the world becoming the first baby of 2023.

Members of the Lions Club surprised the very happy mother of the beautiful baby girl with a baby basin filled with baby clothing and products along with a cake tier decor of pampers, a pack of wipes, and additional pampers donated by Cost U Less.

The Sint Maarten Lions Club extends its congratulations to the new parents and their darling daughter and wishes them a lifetime of love, health, and happiness.

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