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Public Outreach Campaign Continues with Construction Site Tour for Parliamentarians of St. Maarten

pjiaemps27022023SIMPSON BAY:--- Four (4) parliamentarians graciously accepted an invitation to tour the construction site of the Airport Terminal Reconstruction Project at the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) on Friday, February 17, 2023.

The tour served as an integral component of the Public Outreach Campaign by the PJIA Corporate Communication and Project Management Unit (PMU), to offer the necessary stakeholder engagement by way of information disclosure.

Readily available to take the invited tour were the President of Parliament, MP Cookie Bijlani, MP Angelique Roumou, MP George Pantophlet, MP Ludmilla Duncan, and support staff.

The revised timeline, the phased-planned approach, and the cost overview of the construction project were among the many factors presented by the Airport Chief, Mr. Brian Mingo, and the Project Director of the Project Management Unit, Mr. Mirto Breell. Some of the final updates made to the parliamentarians were following the mold remediation process on May 6, 2021, and during the Inter-parliamentary Consultation for the Kingdom (IPKO) in May 2022.

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