~ Accused of circulating scandalous Whatsapp messages.~
PHILIPSBURG:---- The executive board of the Windward Island Civil Servants Union (WICSU/PSU) told members of the media on Thursday afternoon that the Communication Specialist of the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIAE) Audrey St. Luce Jack has been ambushed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Brian Mingo who invited her to a meeting and questioned her prior to suspending her until Monday. In that meeting were the outgoing CFO, the CEO and the company's legal advisor, and Audrey St. Luce Jack.
President of the WICSU Sharon Cannegieter did not divulge the reasons for the suspension since the matter is under investigation by PJIAE management and IT specialists. However, the WICSU board said that they have issues with the way in which the suspension took place. She said that St. Luce Jack was invited to a meeting where she was questioned and then immediately suspended even though she had no legal representatives.
The CEO of PJIAE asked airport security to take away her telephone, laptop, and badges and then have her escorted out of the building. Cannegieter said the CEO of PJIAE Brian Mingo humiliated and embarrassed St. Luce Jack as if she stole from the company. The trade unionist said she has known St. Luce-Jack for years and knows her to be a professional since she has seen her working in the media fraternity for years.
The WICSU said that St. Luce Jack has worked for PJIAE for the past twelve years, and only now she is described as being unqualified and lacking proper writing skills. Cannegieter said when she was called on Thursday she met with the CEO of PJIAE who had nothing good to say about the company’s communication specialist, Mingo is saying she is unqualified and that she cannot write properly yet she does not have a bad evaluation over the past 12 years on her file. “Mingo who has been appointed CEO of PJIAE for the past four years has never issued a warning letter to St. Luce Jack, however, the things he said in their meeting on Thursday are very much degrading.”
The union felt that their member is being targeted because the CEO of PJIAE wants to replace her since only recently her function was advertised. They said Minigo has someone lined up for the position already and now he has to make St. Luce Jack his scapegoat in order to full fill his promises to a former colleague.
President of the WICSU Sharon Cannegieter said that St. Luce Jack was a member of the ABVO but recently resigned from that union and joined the WICSU/PSU. She explained that recently she received a Whatsapp message in which St. Luce Jack's name was mentioned. Cannegieter said that upon seeing the message she contacted St. Luce Jack even though she was not yet a member of WISCU/PSU after that conversation she said she contacted the CEO of PJAIE and was assured that St. Luce-Jack was going to be given a second chance.
Cannegieter said that the union was scheduled to have a meeting with PJIAE management next week and Mingo promised her that he was going to appoint St. Luce-Jack to her position and also give her a second chance. She said she was shocked at the developments on Thursday because she is of the opinion that everyone can have an investigation while employees can make mistakes. The trade unionist said that the management team of PJIAE are all locals and so is St. Luce Jack.
Cannegieter said in the meeting on Thursday Mingo told them that St. Luce Jack is not entitled to have union representation because she is above the pay grade. She said that the union was informed that Collective Labor Agreement does not cover the Communication Specialists due to her pay grade. The WICSU/PSU board said that St. Luce Jack has been a member of ABVO for 12 years, while the company's human resource department was notified that she is now represented by WICSU/PSU.
Cannegieter said that the WICSU/PSU is not only about putting out fires but they are also there to guide their members who may have committed any errors. “We are not here to empower our members and guide them with the need arises.” “This is a sad day in the labor force on St. Maarten because if a CEO or Manager thinks that they can defame or embarrass an employee and does not take responsibility for his or her action then it's sad.” She asked if the management team of PJIAE are really locals and if are they working for PJIAE or are they working for Schipol.
Cannegieter said that St. Luce Jack was accused of circulating a WhatsApp message to a politician whom she did not identify. She explained that she asked the CEO to apologize to St. Luce Jack for the humiliation and embarrassment but he refused. The trade unionist said that while in the meeting security officers were also guarding the doors.
SMN News contacted the CEO of PJIAE for a comment but he said he cannot comment on the ongoing matter because St. Luce-Jack is an employee and there is an investigation underway.