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First Annual Essence pageantry held.

essencepegeant13032023PHILIPSBURG:--- Belair Community Center was the center of attraction on Saturday, March 11, 2023, as it hosted the first annual Miss Essence and Mind. The Center was packed with pageantry lovers and supporters of the 6 beautiful ladies who graced the stage in various swimsuit segments of the show.

Pageant organizer Paula Gordon and her team Essence and Mind Committee left no stone unturned as everything was well planned out for the audience to enjoy from you entered the transformed Center you felt Royal with a welcome drink provided by sponsor LaMarca to pictures taken by Ronchi James to a well-decorated stage.

The show started on time with a beautifully choreographed dance by former Queen Melissa Boasman and Shanice Powell then to the opening segment of introduction that was not judged to the various segments which were

1 Identical Swimsuit

2 Creative Swimsuit

3 Carnival Swimsuit

4 Glits and Glam

Receiving sashes for the various segments were

Best Identical Swimsuit went to Tasyanna Clifton who also captured Best Carnival Swimsuit  

Best Creative Swimsuit went to Miss Patara Davis who also captured Best Question and Answer

Best Glitz and Glam went to Miss Jessenia Jessica Lazaro

Placing 3rd runner up was Miss Richallien York who was also sashed with Miss Social Media  

2nd runner-up went to Miss Jessenia Jesecia Lazaro, and 1st runner-up went to Miss Tasyanna Clifton.  The first Miss Essence and Mind Swimsuit Queen was Miss Patara Davis

The crowd was pleased with the results as it was echoed throughout the hall that the show was judged fairly. Paula Gordon went the extra mile to bring in 2 renowned international judges hailing from Antigua and St. Kitts both with an impressive resumes with it comes to pageantry along with our very own Miss Amanda Bedminster.   Forming part of the judging committee were also local Bailiff Solange Apon, Activist Shujah Reiph, Shamika de Weevwer, Former pageant runner-up Kenecia David and heading the panel of Judges was head Judge Duncan van Heynnigen from Deviage Entertainment.   

Winners of the pageant will further represent Sint Maarten in various pageant shows in the region and also in Essence and Mind International Pageant Show slated for October right here in Sint Maarten. 

Paula Gordon went on to thank the main sponsors of the event

It’s time SXM sponsored the main prize of $1500 to the queen who was represented on the night by its President Cloyd Ohndhae Marlin who was also on hand to present the check and the cash prize the same night. 

Sponsors Bradshaw Executive Travel and Motor World were on hand to present the winning trophies to the Queen and runners-up. 

Mr. Connor of Fire Fit Gym donated each contestant a two-month free gym membership

Essence and Mind would like to thank all its sponsors and volunteers for assisting in making the pageant a huge success. 


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