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EXCLUSIVE: Police Union lawyer unhappy with non action by Justice Minister Richardson

kpsmofficers29032023PHILIPSBURG:--- The NAPB Police Union held an emergency meeting with its lawyer Cor Merx on Wednesday afternoon. The Union gave their lawyer an update on the so call placement letters that had to be sent to all justice workers on March 15, 2023.
According to Minister of Justice Ana Richardson earlier this month The Placement Committee of the Ministry of Justice would begin issuing placement offer letters to all justice personnel starting on March 15, Minister Richardson stated that the letters will include information such as the new function and salary amount.
According to attorney Cor Merx on Thursday, the minister has failed the justice workers by sticking to the deadline given to her and the Union will meet with its members next week to follow up on what actions to take against the minister for not living up to her promise. Police officers received their letters however Immigration and Border control officers and National Detectives have not.
In the Minister's press statement, she stated that the process has been and continues to be a meticulous one, requiring accuracy and diligence with the data of over 700 Justice employees: Prison, Customs, Police, Immigration, MOT [Bureau Unusual Financial Transactions – Ed.], National Detectives, Staff Bureau, and Judicial Affairs.”
Members of the union are disappointed with the minister's inaction and empty promises and refuse to wait any longer on what is due to them. Merx told reporters on Thursday that the minister has not complied with the wishes of officers who have been patient for quite some time and the payment is due now.
A number of members of the union who have received their placement letters are not happy with the letters received and are prepared to take the justice ministry to court if need be. Several police officers said that the letter was copied and pasted while not having the correct information on the letters.
The NAPB and its lawyer Cor Merx will be releasing a statement on the way forward for its members before Monday coming however the union notes that with the upcoming carnival season, they hope that stakeholders can sympathize with the officers who put their life on the line on a daily for the safety of all residents who attend carnival annually.

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