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URSM candidate J. Rollocks jr says the Goverment should take better care of our senior citizens.

rollocks02032023Sucker Garden:--- "Since the launch of my campaign headquarters and the opening of the Computer center: my team and I, had the honor to host a group of senior citizens".
"Our seniors are very enthusiastic and are willing to learn and adapt to this new age wherein technology rules. I can state this as I saw their eyes light up when they were at the Computer center.”,
said aspiring politician Julian Rollocks Jr.

Rollocks Jr. continued: “We also had the privilege to be in the presence of some seniors who can be considered pioneers in our community. Our senior citizens have sacrificed a lot and to me, it was a humbling experience to give back in my little way.”

Rollocks Jr. explained that during his interactions with our seniors, he took the time to listen and hear some of their concerns. “I heard some of their stories and I decided to share them with the people of St. Maarten. I am not only doing this for political reasons but to bring awareness amongst the public and to encourage the Government to be more mindful of our seniors. We all have senior citizens in our families, our grandparents, an older uncle or aunt, it is our collective responsibility to look out for those persons in their older days. For example, I noticed that in the Government building, there is no line for senior citizens. However, the banks have designated lines for our seniors. Our Government has failed to designate a line for seniors where they can stand in peace and wait for their turn.”

Rollocks jr. continued: “Another example is that we have seniors who are collecting a pension and are being taxed as if they earn a full-time salary. Why should a senior pay tax on their pension? A senior has worked all his/her life and paid their share during the time that they were part of the workforce. Where are we going as a society when senior citizens can't afford to pay their utility bills and put food on their tables?”

“I also would like to share my thoughts on the cost of living, mainly from the perspective of our seniors, supermarket prices continue to rise. These days it seems that not only the working class but also our seniors are made to suffer due to the high cost of living. During my discussions, I was made aware that they have been seeking answers from our elected representatives all to no avail. Food prices for bread, milk, eggs, and vegetables continue to rise. Government and more specifically the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport, and Telecommunication needs to step up the price controls. Perhaps the government can introduce a system where seniors can receive a 5-10 percent reduction on their groceries. I understand business and I know that it's not easy, but we need to find a way to ease the burden on our seniors. A few years ago the Ombudsman stated in a report that we have seniors who are still living in a deplorable state 3 to 4 years after Hurricane Irma. Again, this is another example that our seniors are one of the most neglected groups in society. I can recall that seniors had a relief program at GEBE, this was a successful program. Why not reintroduce this relief for our seniors?”

“Some of our seniors do not have access to the internet to look up information online or pay their bills. While doing some research, I discovered that the United Nations' lead agency on international development, UNDP is trying to achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. One of those goals falls under 'Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, "more than 4 billion people still do not have access to the Internet, and 90 percent are from the developing world. Bridging this digital divide is crucial to ensure equal access to information and knowledge, as well as foster innovation and entrepreneurship".

“While this may sound irrelevant to some, we live in an age where internet access should be available to everyone living and working in St. Maarten. I support this goal wholeheartedly and I will continue to champion this cause throughout my campaign.”

“As an aspiring politician and businessman, I believe our seniors must be respected. I say this because they paved the way for us in St. Maarten. Our elderly worked hard, sacrificed, and sent their children abroad to obtain a better education. My grandmother Irene Marlin who was a well-known person from Middle Region raised my father and uncles with the little that they had, she encouraged them to get an education and work hard to achieve their dreams. She made many sacrifices. It is because of this that today I too can use the quote by Darius Simpson "We are our ancestor's wildest dreams" Instead of only talking I will attempt to ease the burden of our seniors.
Please contact me if you need computer assistance. My team and I are friendly and knowledgeable. We are ready to serve you humbly.

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