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MP Romou continues to promote Literacy with her Reading “Is Lit with MP Romou Program” as she donates books to her adopted school the Sister Marie Laurence School.

angelique05042023PHILIPSBURG:--- MP Romou continues to promote Literacy throughout the various Primary schools in St. Maarten, with her “Reading is Lit with MP Romou” Reading Program.
On Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, MP Romou donated various books to the reading program at the Sister Marie Laurence Primary School. She also specifically donated books from local Author Tamara Leonard. MP Romou was able to purchase these books through the sales of Affirmative Apparel’s St. Maarten Day T-shirts, as part proceeds of these T-shirts always go towards promoting anything that has to do with the youth. These books were given to her adopted grade 3 class, as these books deal with topics such as manners, respect, discipline, making the right choices, and having an attitude of gratitude, as Romou emphasizes the importance of reading books to the students which embody such principles. The other books donated to the school were given in collaboration with a private citizen and Beyond Kultura Foundation, Ms. Loekie Morales.
Mp Romou continues to read with her adopted class at SML, as well as with other schools as she has committed her free time whenever permissible to promoting Literacy within all schools throughout the 2022/2023 school year.
In Discussions with the School manager of Sister Marie Laurence School, Ms. Amaris Slac who is described by MP Romou as a very dedicated and compassionate Educator, it was decided to work towards creating a mini-Library at the school. A space where all the students could sit quietly and read books at their own leisure during recess or during any other free time.
In her plight to continue to highlight the importance of literacy, the MP quoted UNESCO, “Literacy which is the ability to read and write” as quoted “is arguably the single most important factor in determining a person's career. Persons who can read and write have a larger range of possible vocations and even highly skilled, high-paying careers are within reach once one is literate. Persons who cannot read and write, have extremely limited options, and even unskilled minimum-wage jobs can then be difficult to obtain as well.
In closing, MP Romou said that assisting our youth to achieve all that they can achieve in their academics as well as in their God-given talents, remains one of her main focusses. She also stressed that she will continue to help in every way possible to ensure that our youth continue to read and see the importance thereof, in so doing she is making a plea to any interested company or individuals who are willing to assist her to help the Sister Marie Laurence Primary School in their goal of obtaining a mini library by donating whatever they can to make this space a reality. The Mp can be contacted via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and via telephone number +17215286006.

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